Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

American scientists have recently discovered 30 new organisms in the Ecuadorian rainforest.

In the Cerro Pata de Pájaro region of this South American country, biologists have found that the tiny gecko can sit comfortably on the eraser of a pencil, a strange frog with transparent skin, or species. Slippery snakes like snails . But, it is very worrying that 95% of the trees here are being cut down so that crop cultivation disturbs the ecosystem. Below are pictures and information on some of the newly discovered species:

1. Snake skin

Picture 1 of Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

While studying in the dry forest along the Ecuadorian coast, scientists suddenly discovered a new snake lying on a tree just above the head of biologist Paul Hamilton, a member of the team. research. This newly discovered snake has a slippery skin like a snail and has been identified as having the longest tail in the world compared to another.

2. Frogs lay eggs on trees

Picture 2 of Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

In particular, a newly discovered species surprised the scientists, a frog that lays eggs on trees, not water. And when it hatches, it is not the usual tadpole, but the fully conceived baby frogs.

3. Rods

Picture 3 of Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

During this expedition to the Ecuadorian rainforest this time, scientists also discovered four new species of rodents - an insect known for its best camouflage in the world.

4. Tiny gecko

Picture 4 of Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

The tiny gecko (Lepidoblepharis buchwaldi), also one of 30 new species of organisms that scientists discovered in Ecuador's forests. This gecko is very small in size and can sit comfortably on the eraser of a pencil.

5. Non-lung salamanders

Picture 5 of Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

The non-lung salamanders that had not been previously recorded were also found in Ecuador. This animal breathes through the skin and mainly lives in areas near the equator. However, this animal is in danger of extinction because its habitat is being seriously damaged.

6. Transparent frog

Picture 6 of Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

This newly discovered frog has transparent skin so you can see internal organs like their hearts. According to scientists' estimates, there are about 150 species of transparent frogs found in tropical forests in Central and South America.

7. Tiny momentum

Picture 7 of Odd creatures in the Ecuadorian rainforest

The iguanas (Enyalioides oshaughnessyi) discovered in an old Ecuadorian forest have surprised scientists. However, like other species in Ecuador's tropical forests, this iguanas are facing extinction as deforestation is increasing in the country.