Only those with sharp brains can find all 26 letters in this picture

Let's see right away if I am the owner of the brain that is sensitive, genius-quality or not by solving this interesting puzzle!

Fun quizzes, puzzles always attract us. And this time as well as every time, the challenge was posted on this Playbuzz online puzzle store that made netizens excited about the fun with the "dizzying eyebrow" part.

The puzzle is simply to test the player's visual and brain ability.

Specifically, the challenge requires you to find all 26 letters from A to Z and the number range from 0 to 9 in this picture. Yet so many game participants feel crazy.

Picture 1 of Only those with sharp brains can find all 26 letters in this picture
Can you see all 26 letters in this picture?

According to PlayBuzz survey, up to 80% of respondents had to give up because they could not find all.

It's simple to think but it's also a headache!A little hint, you can absolutely rotate, rotate along the picture to find the hidden numbers!

Did you find the answer?

Think carefully, look really fine!

If not, please flip the answer right away!

Picture 2 of Only those with sharp brains can find all 26 letters in this picture