Super computer 'human brain'

Scientists in the UK say they are building a "human brain" in the form of the world's most powerful supercomputer.

>>>Artificial intelligence is forming

Supercomputers will recreate the entire stream of thoughts that work in the brain, thereby allowing researchers to find ways to fight diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Picture 1 of Super computer 'human brain'
'Computer brain' opens new hopes for studying human brains

According to DailyMail , this computer ' brain ' will synthesize all the information gathered so far about the mysterious activities inside the human brain and reflect it on the screen at the cellular and molecular level.

The lead researcher, Dr. Henry Markram of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (UK), said that the complexity of the human brain with billions of neurons linked together made neuroscience experts face numerous difficulties but still not understand its operation.

And the hopefully new approach can solve this problem.

Experts also argue that with the help of supercomputers, the scientific community will eventually learn the cause of devastating diseases and may even reveal the mechanism behind thinking ability. and make human decisions.

Scientists hope to complete the construction of the 'computer brain' for 12 years at a center in Dusseldorf (Germany).