The human brain acts like a computer

Randall O'Reilly, a professor of psychology at the University of Boulder, Colorado, discovered that the brain region is thought to determine human intelligence works like a computer. This finding could help researchers better understand how the brain works.

Picture 1 of The human brain acts like a computer (Photo: maxoncomputer) While reviewing bio-computer models with the same brain-like structure published in the October 6 issue of Science, O'Reilly has argued that the anterior cortex and the basal ganglia. Works like a computer.

He said that ' those who designed these models avoided the comparison between people and computers. My research stems from the notion that the human brain is not like a computer. And now I can confirm that in a sense, the human brain is like a computer. '

Computers work by converting electrical signals into ' closed and open ' binary states and flexibly control these states using ' switches '. O'Reilly has also discovered the same principle of activity in the human brain.

O'Reilly explained that nerve cells in the prefrontal cortex have only two states: closed or open and the basal ganglia is a switch that allows you to turn on or off different parts of the anterior cortex.

According to O'Reilly, the brain acts more like a social network than a computer in which neurons communicate with each other to allow learning and memory.

However, the cerebral cortex, which has the same characteristics as microbes, has the ability to expand social networks so that the brain becomes more flexible in processing new and figurative information. .

The prefrontal cortex is the brain's data processing center and supports the ability to handle higher-level knowledge like making decisions or solving a problem. Researchers believe that the prefrontal cortex plays a decisive role in determining human intellectual ability and understanding this cortical portion will help us better understand human intelligence.

According to O'Reilly the best way to understand the intelligence of the human brain is to create more biological computer models like the human brain. These models will help researchers understand how the human brain works and will explain what determines our intelligence.

Picture 2 of The human brain acts like a computer
Structure of the brain (Photo: