Opens the rivalry of the Touch ID

US experts have released a new software that allows smartphones to recognize users based on how often they use the phone.

Picture 1 of Opens the rivalry of the Touch ID Touching, scanning on the phone screen can help "cricket" identify the right owner - (Photo: New Scientist)

The iPhone 5S's Touch ID sensor , which is used to scan the user's fingerprint, may soon have rivals.

Technology experts predict that other manufacturers will soon follow Apple in the field. And researchers from the Illinois Institute of Technology (US) have developed their own version of the sensor called SilentSense.

According to New Scientist, Cheng Bo and his team have developed a new software system, programmed to learn how to capture a person's phone habits, including fingertip size, finger force onto the screen, and even the way the user holds the phone on hand.

SilentSense provides a personal data store to block the phone from the reach of others and only allow the owner to use it.

Based on initial testing, the probability of successful user recognition is up to 99%, when used on Android-based phones.