Touch screen technology

Singapore scientists have found a way to turn most surfaces, from whiteboards, windows, or even wooden tables, into touch screens.

Researchers at Nanyang Technological University say that the new technology, called STATINA , is based on the principle of motion and image, which can detect the motion of many fingers and objects. Transform most surfaces into a responsive touch screen.

Picture 1 of Touch screen technology
Touch screens will be more popular in the future if production costs are lowered - (pic: Shutterstock)

By using cheap vibration sensors and a special algorithm, the system can pinpoint the location of a light touch on the surface, and when equipped with a low-cost camera, it can be readily available. Turn surfaces into touch screens.

Team leader Andy Khong explained that because the sound waves travel through matter at a specific speed, it is possible to locate the location of the impact whenever the sensors catch the signal.

"Our cutting-edge system can turn surfaces like wood, aluminum, steel, glass into low-cost monitors ," said RedOrbit chief researcher Khong.

That means that in the future, users can play computer games or draw sketches on every wall or window.