Paradise of colored wings

If heaven only has light and white clouds, the colorful life is much more charming. Brightly colored feathers and songs are the most poignant part of the 'love story' of feathers and also contribute to poetic life.

Miss Scarlet

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Scarlet Tanager is a songbird in the Eastern United States with impressive crimson feathers and jet black feathers on its wings and tail.

The bar

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Picture 3 of Paradise of colored wings

The bird throws the bar with its chest as it lands on the head of a bamboo section on a lake under the University of the Philippines.The serpent is a surname family, many species have very good song but there are also species known for their 'violent' behavior, they catch insects, birds or small mammals and then skew the branches. There are spikes to facilitate feeding.

Green shot

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The future of this beautiful warbler is under threat as the breeding ground of the species on the peaks is narrowed.The number of Central South American migratory birds from warbler to sparrow is falling sharply and may soon be on pictures.

Japanese white eyes

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The white-eyed bird was also eager to welcome the spring on the blossoming cherry trees of Phu Tang.


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Picture 7 of Paradise of colored wings

This Cedar Waxwing bird is eating a delicious fruit on a wild apple tree grown in Freeport, Maine, USA.This beautiful bird is not appreciated by fruit farmers in North America because their cabinets are delicious, ripe fruits on farms.They call them No. 1 vandals.


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Lime is a hard and interesting bird.They are cleverly disguised, are good parents and very brave when protecting their own teams.Although the coat is not very colorful, the patterns on their fur are quite beautiful.


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As a migratory species, the golden-eyed birds are coming from South Canada to North Carolina during the breeding season, when the male birds wear yellow feathers under the sun and make the female birds fascinated.In the winter, the male is like a female with a pale yellow fur.American Ostrich is the only species that completely changes the hair in the Surname family.

White cheek paint

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In the spring of 2008 in Tehran, cauliflowers divided prey to immature children.

Blue jays

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These beautiful jays are the birds of the Crow family.And behind this blue blue feather is ' aggressive ' personality and sundry, perhaps so that they are very adaptable. North American 'indigenous people' but they settled in many places.

North American Red Neck

Picture 12 of Paradise of colored wings

Red neck between a snowy early morning.We have a few surprises about this bird, they have jade-like eggs and just love to sing at sunset.This small bird is scolded by many predators like snakes, owls and cats, so they often gather in swarms to help each other stay alert.


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The iridescent dark green fur that the mature tern raises on her is like a dress for the evening gown.But in addition to the beauty, terns or swallows are flying and hunting on the wild.


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The little uncle pings up on a mountain of rocks and lifts his neck to sing.

Red eyelashes

Picture 15 of Paradise of colored wings

The red moss painted a berry red fruit of a cactus.

(Photo: Nat Geo, Wikipedia)