People can create gravitational waves

The gravitational wave monitoring station (LIGO) publishes the greatest scientific discovery of 2016. That is how people can create gravitational waves.

Currently, the LIGO team has expanded the ability to find gravitational waves of the scientific world.

Gravitational waves were first discovered in September 2015. Only after additional findings were made in June 2016, LIGO scientists finally confirmed that gravitational waves do exist.

This reinforced Albert Einstein's prediction of his theory of relativity.

Currently, most of the most sensitive detectors in the world, turn out to be the best gravitational wave producer.

"When we optimize LIGO to serve the gravitational wave detection, we also optimize it with gravitational wave emission , " said Belinda Pang, a physicist from California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Pasadena said in Science.

Pang also represented her research team, speaking at a meeting of the American Physical Society last week.

Picture 1 of People can create gravitational waves
LIGO can detect gravitational waves.(Photo: NASA).

Gravitational waves are undulating vibrations created when large objects are bent in space-time. Basically, they extend the space out. By using highly sensitive double detectors in Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana; LIGO can detect this stretch of space.

In addition to detecting gravitational waves, physicists also say that the sensitivity of detectors will allow them to efficiently generate waves.

"The basic thing to know about a detector is that it's a pair of gravitational waves," said Fan Zhang, a physicist at Peking University.

LIGO teams tested their ideas using quantum mathematical modeling and they were right. Their detectors created ripples of time - small but optimal and efficient.

Quantum mechanics tells us, small objects, such as electronics, can be in two places at the same time. And some physicists think they can cleverly put extremely large objects into the same state of quantum motions.

According to Pang, LIGO and these waves are capable of making that happen.

Although putting large objects into quantum motions is extremely difficult and cannot be sustained for a long time, it is only possible to do it - in short time, can give us a deep insight. sharper on quantum mechanics.

Now, the scientific world can measure the time it takes for the recovery process to occur. They can also know the role of gravity in the existence of quantum states and macro objects.

Picture 2 of People can create gravitational waves
True gravitational waves exist.

"This is an interesting idea, but experimentation is a big challenge. The team's work is unbelievably difficult, but if you want to create gravitational waves, we can only say that : LIGO is the best place to do that, " said Caltech Yiqui Ma, one of Pang's colleagues.

Insights into quantum activity not only help the team build better quantum computers, but also help revolutionize our understanding of the physical universe.

LIGO is in the process of upgrading to detect weak gravitational waves. Finally, the team's plan is to build a wave detector system called eLISA . This is a gravitational observatory in space.

In the next decade, LIGO is not only used to detect gravitational waves, but can also promote our understanding of the quantum world in ways that people cannot imagine.

The entire study was published on Futurism.

Einstein's general theory of relativity describes gravity as a phenomenon associated with the curvature of space-time. This curvature occurs because of the presence of mass. The more volumes contained in a given volume of space, the greater the curvature of spacetime at the boundary of this volume.

When an object has mass moving in space - time, the change in response curvature follows the position change of the object. In some cases, moving objects cause a change in curvature that spreads outward at the speed of light according to the waveform. This phenomenon of propagation is called gravitational waves.