The discovery of gravitational waves for the first time is a major and significant event of modern physics in particular and the world in general, paving the way for other human

Scientists are buzzing with Albert Einstein's theory of gravitational theory that may have been found, leading to one of the greatest discoveries of all time.

A Belgian mathematician proposed to build devices to create and manipulate gravity in order to apply to communication instead of electromagnetic waves today.

Known in the upcoming LISA mission, scientists will first use the technologies they developed before to observe gravitational waves.

A huge experiment in Pisa, Italy, is being conducted to find the existence of gravitational waves in the theory of relativity proposed by the scientist Albert Einstein.

The black hole is about the same size as the atomic nucleus, the galaxy

According to astronomers' research, the universe will have an unprecedented big explosion of two supermassive black holes that orbit each other.

Researchers at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) in the US have run computer programs on galaxy formation, thus discovering that our Milky Way is probably

American astronomers say an unusual phenomenon in the universe has been discovered, when a giant black hole is removed from its galaxy. According to experts, they found evidence

Thanks to gravitational wave data, experts discovered a special event that created a supermassive black hole dozens of times more massive than the Sun.