People have had stomach ulcers since prehistoric times

According to Nature, the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers " Helicobacter pylori " are present in the digestive system of Homo sapiens since the human race began migrating from Africa about 60,000 years ago. This species of bacteria is present in half of the human population.

Picture 1 of People have had stomach ulcers since prehistoric times The group of researchers led by Mark Achtman of the Max-Planck Institute for Infectious Diseases (Germany) compared changes between the H. pylori genome and the human gene.

From analyzing 769 bacteria samples collected from volunteers from 51 different ethnic groups around the world, computer simulations have shown that H. pylori may have spread from East Africa about 58,000 years ago. , in accordance with the migration of Homo Sapiens.

Modern people have been infected with this bacterium before migrating from Africa, and since then H. pylori has been living with people.

Thanks to the identification of the bacterium ' Helicobacter pylori ' in 1980, two Australian researchers J. Robin Warren and Barry J. Marshall were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005.