People who value individuals easily live boredom

Individualism helps stimulate the dynamism and creativity of people, but it also makes us more likely to fall into a depressed, desperate state.

Northwestern University (USA) scientists conduct a large-scale study to compare the level of depression and insecurity of people in Western societies and Eastern societies.

The research team reached 29 countries in South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, South Asia, East Asia, South Africa, West Africa to get opinions from tens of thousands of people about their lives. The results show that there is a positive relationship between the concept of individuals and the degree of satisfaction of life. The more important the society respects individuals, the higher the level of depression among people.

'The relationship between individualism and the level of depression is clear. People living in countries that value individualism have higher levels of anxiety and depression than those that promote collectivism , 'said Dr. Joan Chiao, head of research at Northwestern University.

The survey showed that he was first in the list of countries that value individualism. Followed by the United States, Australia and Western European countries. A study by the World Health Organization confirms the level of depression, anxiety, and depression of the British people also tops the planet.

Picture 1 of People who value individuals easily live boredom

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Chiao said the proportion of people suffering from neurological diseases in China - a country with a collective culture - is significantly lower than in Western countries like Britain and the United States.

'People in cultures that value individualism like Western Europe, the United States tends to uphold something more unique than harmony, attaching importance to personal views than collective opinion. They always want to make themselves different from those around them with costumes, behavior, work and many other things.

On the contrary, people of cultures who respect collectivism value harmony more than difference. They tend to endorse behaviors that increase the level of cohesion and interdependence in the community. Few people in these cultures want to be different from the people around them , 'Chiao commented.

Chiao believes that these two different cultures exist for several thousand years thanks to the adaptation of the gene. Genetically, Eastern people (according to collective culture) are more susceptible to neurological diseases than Westerners (attaching importance to individualism). Therefore, instinctively motivate them to build a lifestyle that is capable of preventing neurological diseases.

Meanwhile, Westerners are more likely to suffer from neurological diseases, so they can accept a lifestyle that reduces interdependence among individuals in society.

According to Telegraph, the proportion of people with depression and anxiety syndrome in the UK is 10%, while that figure in Europe is 8.3% and in China is 4%.

The study of the Chiao group was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.