Why do some people cry easily when watching sad movies?

A new study finds that some people tend to cry and cry easily in front of videos, emotional or tragic images are due to their genes.

Two psychologists Arthur and Elaine Aron of Stony Brook University (USA) said, about 20% of us genetically influenced by "emotional handling" (SPS ), one Congenital characteristics associated with greater sensitivity or emotional sensitivity to environmental and social stimuli.

In the new study published in the journal Brain and Behavior, two Dr. Aron and colleagues from the University of California, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Monmouth University found that functional magnetic resonance scanning (fMRI) sets The brain has provided evidence of how strongly a "sensitive" brain reacts to touching images.

Picture 1 of Why do some people cry easily when watching sad movies?
About 20% of us are under the influence of innate "emotional handling" , making it easier for them to cry when watching movies with emotional scenes.(Artwork: CCTV)

Highly sensitive people tend to recognize higher levels of subtle stimulation, process information more closely and respond more to both positive and negative stimuli . In contrast, most of us have relatively low SPS and less attention to sophisticated stimuli, approaching situations more quickly and without an emotional response.

The team conducted a brain fMRI scan of 18 married people, some of whom had high SPS, while the rest had relatively low SPS, as they observed pictures of smiling faces. laugh or sad. A set of photos used includes facial images of strangers and the rest of the photographs capture the faces of spouses of research subjects.

"We found that brain regions involved in cognition and emotions, especially those associated with empathy, in highly sensitive people, have substantially larger blood flow. Much more than in individuals with lower sensitivities in the 12-second visual observation, this is physical evidence within the brain that reveals that highly sensitive people respond particularly strongly to commune situations. The association makes love , in this case, happy or sad faces, " said Dr. Aron.

Experts found that brain activity in people with high SPS was even stronger when they observed the expression on their mate's face. This brain activity achieves "peak" when they see the photos of a clever wife / husband.

Most of the subjects had a brain scan again a year later and the results remained unchanged.