Why are you afraid of ghosts but still enjoy watching horror movies?

There is a fact that the more we are afraid, the more curious we will be with horror movies. So what makes them so attractive to us? Because of being dominated by curiosity.

'People like to watch horror movies because they like the feeling of fear. Sometimes, it is also possible that they want to end the feeling of curiosity when they have not experienced that horror, ' said Jeffrey Goldstein, Professor of Social - Psychology at Utrecth University (Netherlands). ). The reason you choose a form of entertainment is because you want it to have a strong impact on you, such as going to a comedy because it makes you laugh.

When a person is frightened, their body will automatically produce reactions such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, cold sweats and a more startling reaction than usual. It is the natural instinct of people to feel dangerous.

That is also the reason many people like to enjoy horror movies because it causes very strong emotions for them. There is a fact that people really want to experience those feelings that can be haunting because of their curious nature.

Picture 1 of Why are you afraid of ghosts but still enjoy watching horror movies?

Scary but . safe and interesting

According to David Rudd, Dean of the Department of Social and Behavioral Science at the University of Utah (USA): 'When they experience horror movies and experience fear, they may feel scared at first. but at the end of the movie, they knew there was no real danger behind the spectacle. This partly creates the feeling of 'safety' for everyone '.

In addition to watching movies, the haunted house on festivals is also the place of "silver" when hitting the right people. Despite being afraid, once again, visitors knew that the scary scene just stopped at scare, but did not harm them at all. So even though they were afraid, they still tried to give it a try.

People only really feel scared when they feel greater danger than safety. For example, when walking in haunted houses, suddenly someone's hand touches you, your reflexes will jump up and run fast. At that time, your mind will be overwhelmed with the thought 'if you don't get out of here quickly, you will be retained by some ghost'.

That is why children are more likely to feel scared, which means that having less experience will make you… 'more sensitive' to more dangerous. Young people are different from younger children in that we know it's just a movie so it's not overly obsessed. In the meantime, the children often get in very well with the circuit, so they react more strongly. Of course, for scary situations, young people also have the expression of fear like screaming but maybe after that, we'll laugh again. It is this interesting feeling that makes us visit ghost houses even though it is very scary.

Feeling scary but somehow bringing about the feeling of safety and then being interesting is the 'key' to make horror movies and ghost houses always receive the attention of many people.