Why do people like to watch horror movies?

With scary horror scenes, horror movies and haunted houses always attract people. That's because they know that there really is no danger.

Picture 1 of Why do people like to watch horror movies? (Photo: BBC) When people panic, the body automatically creates a reaction such as an increase in heart rate, rapid breathing, stiff muscles, a high concentration of mind for dangers. " It's a natural way to defend yourself ," said psychologist David Rudd at Texas Tech University.

If the brain knows that there really is no danger, it will turn this hormonal surge into a pleasure. The key to enjoying the stalking dangers is that the proper assessment of the dangers can occur.

"Children often exaggerate the danger and experience real fear. When you see a child clutching their parents and crying, the possibility of harm is real , " Rudd said. As for adults, they screamed loudly and then burst out laughing because they knew that there was really no danger.

This phenomenon also explains why people like bungee jumping, skydiving and other dangerous sports.

" In these cases, people know that the danger will be lowered by exercise and caution, allowing them to enjoy the feeling ," Rudd said.

The ability to sense fear also has an evolutionary role. " We are motivated to seek stimulating feelings to discover new possibilities, find new food sources, better places to live and better co-workers ," said Frank McAndrew, an environmental psychologist at Dai. Knox said.

If you have regular contact with a fear stimulant, the brain will get used to it and no longer consider it a scary thing. That is the key to treatment of anxiety dysfunction. Such treatment combined with pharmaceuticals will have a success rate of 80%.