Watch movies to help people increase motivation

Entertainment tools such as movies can increase positive emotions, bring hope and excitement to viewers.

According to ScienceDaily, new research by American scientist Abby Prestin divides participants into 3 groups, watching videos with different topics such as mirror of difficulty, comedy and the natural world, in addition to a group Other do not watch movies.

The people in the movie group were asked to watch a short 5-minute video every day for 5 consecutive days. As a result, when the experiment ended, the people in the group watching the movie over the difficult people felt full of hope and had greater motivation than the other groups. Moreover, feelings of hope still lasted for 3 days after the last view.

Picture 1 of Watch movies to help people increase motivation
Watching movies about difficult characters can help with motivation.(Artwork: Fotolia)

"I found that the current materials are quite biased in studying the negative impact of this kind of entertainment, but not on its good side. In everyday life, it's not hard to see the plates. "The mirror overcomes adversity and succeeds. These stories have a strong impact on people, films about such people can do this," Prestin said.

According to scientists, feelings of hope can bring about both psychological and physical benefits, helping to improve many areas of life . Hope can be a motivation for people to cope in difficult and challenging situations. Movies can be an effective means to create hope for most people.

Prestin's research helps the entertainment media to promote the landscape through films of overcoming difficulties. Overcoming stories not only give viewers a hard-working and determined model, but also bring hope and motivation to pursue each person's personal goals.