Scientific proof: Watching horror movies consumes calories like running for 30 minutes

You want to lose weight, burn calories without having to abstain from familiar foods? Then watch a horror movie.

Because research by scientists at Westminster University shows that watching a horror movie can help you burn a significant amount of calories - 100 - 200 calories - more than 30 minutes of that jog.

Picture 1 of Scientific proof: Watching horror movies consumes calories like running for 30 minutes
After 90 minutes of watching the film, participants burned a total of 113 calories.

To draw this conclusion, experts from Westminster University followed 10 participants while watching a horror movie. They monitored heart rate, oxygen and carbon dioxide to calculate the energy that was "burned" while watching the movie.

The results showed that, compared to sitting in front of a black screen, when watching a horror movie, the average person burned 3 calories per person on average.

According to experts, after 90 minutes of watching the movie, participants burned a total of 113 calories , equivalent to calories burned after 30 minutes of running.

Picture 2 of Scientific proof: Watching horror movies consumes calories like running for 30 minutes
Suddenly the scary scene appeared that made the viewers' heart rate increase.

The researchers explained that horror movies with a startling tingle and sudden scary spectacle appear to increase viewers' heart rates.

The reason that horror movies increase the process of calorie consumption is due to a sharp increase in heart rate . When the heart rate is strong, the blood pumpes the body faster, the more adrenaline produced by the adrenal glands.

The more macabre the film is, the stronger the adrenaline activation process, even if it works to reduce appetite, increase the rate of basic metabolism (BMR) and increase the frequency of calorie burning.

Picture 3 of Scientific proof: Watching horror movies consumes calories like running for 30 minutes
This adventurous act has helped the body to metabolize more like a human jogging.

According to Mr. Helen Cowley of LOVEFiLM, the feeling of watching horror movies like and trembling and wanting to run away and want to face this curiosity and adventure has helped the body to transform more strongly like like when people run.