People often associate weight loss with intense exercise regimens or restrictive diets. This negative connotation has discouraged many from losing weight and pursuing a healthy

Experts believe that lower body obesity is not inborn, and share with you how to eat and exercise to help reduce lower body fat.

You want to lose weight, burn calories without having to abstain from familiar foods? Then watch a horror movie.

Reducing stress helps you increase your 10-year lifespan and eat less meat for 11 years longer.

Very nutritious eggs including protein, potassium, vitamins A, D, and B12 ... enhance health.

Drink a glass of water before going to bed to prevent brain vascular accident, prevent cramps, remove toxins and help sleep better.

Scientists recommend that if you do not drink enough water every day, your body fat cannot be converted to make you gain weight.

Eat slowly, chew carefully to help food be broken down into the stomach, your body will have a better digestion process.

An apple a day helps you not to go to the doctor. Green apples help improve skin texture and keep skin radiant, preventing aging.

In addition to keeping you healthy, green apples also work with your skin, helping you have beautiful and healthy skin.