Science says: For fun, watch sad movies

It may seem paradoxical at first, but science shows that sad movies make you happier.

You think that every time you feel sad, you should watch comedies to laugh, so that you can get rid of sadness?

But according to scientists, sad films are really helpful - help you unconsciously look back at yourself, feel respect for existing relationships, and then feel happier.

Picture 1 of Science says: For fun, watch sad movies
Sadness is related to mental awakening.

This is the conclusion made by London scientists. A survey was conducted when volunteers showed sad films and asked them to tell their true feelings later.

The results showed that the volunteers "used" the film as an opportunity to reevaluate themselves, thereby changing themselves to become better people.

They tend to pay more attention to others and have a higher sense of maintaining positive relationships.

Dr. Åsa Jansson, who participated in the study, said: "Sadness is related to mental awakening . After watching sad films, people seem to take the tragedies that the characters in the film have to go through. to compare with the relationships in their own lives, to be grateful for what they are.

That may help explain why tragedies are popular among audiences, even though they cause sadness. "

Picture 2 of Science says: For fun, watch sad movies
Negative emotions like sadness make you think more seriously about your situation.

He also added: " Negative emotions like sadness make you think more seriously about your situation. Therefore, watching a sad movie about lovers can make you sad, cry. . but this will make you think more about your close relationship, and help you evaluate it higher. "

Relationship relationship is often the biggest inspiration of people. So, when people think more about the person they love, it means that people also feel happier. This explains why after watching movies about love tragedies, people often become happier.