Since NASA's Curiosity landed on the Red Planet two weeks ago and repeatedly photographed it back to Earth, it took a lot of pictures that showed the possibility of an unidentified

The Curiosity robot on Mars is undergoing a

The first incident in the attempt to explore Mars happened yesterday after a wind sensor of the Curiosity device stopped working. The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) has yet to find

The probe called Curiosity is leaning towards Mars after a long journey that began throughout November last year. Under the plan, a car-sized nuclear energy-powered device will

The program will be carried out from the Mission Control Center of NASA's Jet Laboratory in California, but will be interrupted because radio signals on Mars take 14 minutes to

NASA's new Mars exploration robot is heading to Mars and is scheduled to land on the surface of the red planet early next month. But NASA is also not sure if this device can land

To replace the two predecessors, Spirit and Opportunity robots, who have been diligently exploring the red planet for years, NASA has continued to send Curiosity robots to Mars to

On November 26, the Curiosity expedition will be launched from Cape Canaveral Air Base, Florida, USA with the mission of evaluating whether Mars can support microbial life.

The most advanced and expensive American exploration robot launched on Mars yesterday to find evidence of the existence of life on the red planet.

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) will launch the largest and most advanced self-propelled probe that humans have ever built on Mars in two weeks.