People with strong personalities are more likely to suffer from depression

Powerful people who are able to make decisive decisions in critical situations are more likely to suffer from depression , falling into desperate situations when faced with everyday life problems.

>>>7 facts about depression

This is the conclusion drawn from the research conducted by neuroscientists at St.Petersburg National University and Comparative Genetic Laboratory, Institute of Physiology and Russian Academy of Sciences .

Scientists have conducted psychological research on mice. Experimental mice were maintained in a nervous state for three months continuously to monitor their behavior, focusing on three main indicators, anxiety, depression and ability. survive.

In the early stages, the test mice were placed in cages with copper bars. First, the scientists broadcast sound signals, then run a small electric current through the copper bars at the cage floor. Mice can avoid electric shock if they hear the sound signal they run across the other side of the cage.

Picture 1 of People with strong personalities are more likely to suffer from depression
Photo: CNN

After two days, the scientists selected 20 mice to carry out the next experiment, including those with positive behavioral strategies (flexible reaction, fast running when the signal emitted to avoid electrical jerks) and numbers have passive behavioral strategies.

In the next phase, un-fed and frequently shaken mice were a narrow tube containing fresh water to determine the level of anxiety and stress caused by rodents often afraid of height and space. open.

Initially, mice with active and passive behavioral strategies were almost no different in terms of indicators when the more they drank more water, the more happy they became.

However, mice with aggressive behavioral strategies were anxious, did not like to drink fresh water and clung to the water tube - signs that they were depressed. Even worse, these mice lost their ability to recognize.

After four weeks of experimentation, passive mice can still continue to participate in the experiment and those who have positive behavioral strategies cannot. Since then, scientists have concluded that frequent stresses on mice with passive behavioral strategies hardly cause depression.

The team confirmed that the susceptibility to depression in general depends on the type of psychology, ie behavioral strategy . The lawful discovery of the development of stress-induced depression in everyday life in animals is very significant for psychological research in humans in general, especially on methodological research. Treatment of depression today.