Sayings can help people with depression have been assessed by a psychologist

Depression is one of the most common psychological diseases in the world. Depression can happen to anyone, yourself or your loved ones.

People with depression may look healthy normally, but their thoughts are often sensitive and you may accidentally hurt your partner if you are not careful, even if you are trying to help and express your concern. center.

Helping people with depression properly can be very beneficial and increase their ability to protect patients from anxiety, fear or seriousness rather than self-harm behaviors. However, if you still have concerns about how to deal with depressed relatives, here are 7 statements, or 7 appropriate and safe communication methods for people with depression - approved. by Timothy Legg, a doctor of psychiatry (university lecturer, psychologist, therapist, community health).

Do you want to talk about that? I will be here when you are ready to share.

Picture 1 of Sayings can help people with depression have been assessed by a psychologist
Knowing that you are always there and being listened to if you want will help them feel more concerned.

You cannot force people with depression to say the difficulties they face, because sometimes they cannot say these things out loud. However knowing that you are always there and being listened to if you want will help them feel more concerned.

If you find that they are trying to hide that they are depressed, you should tell them that you have noticed that they are having difficulties, but you should avoid forcing them to tell you, but only letting them know that you are available with them if need. Don't simply ask questions like "are you okay?" because depressed patients tend to respond simply like "I'm fine".

What can I do to help you today?

Depression often causes people to develop fatigue, insomnia, lack of motivation in everyday tasks. If you regularly interact with this person, you can help them by asking what they need from them. It may be small things like preparing meals or ordering phone calls, reminding them to wear jackets, or maybe they need you to wake up in the morning so they can go to school / work on time ( Depressed people often do not sleep enough, so they may fall asleep in the morning.

Or sometimes, you just need to listen. Helping people with depression does not necessarily bring about great results that can be seen and seen. It can be as simple as calling them a car or picking them up from work, sharing a few meals, or transporting them to the wind, helping them do things that they are not alert enough to do.

Are you going through okay? How is your depression?

Picture 2 of Sayings can help people with depression have been assessed by a psychologist
Let them know that therapy is a sign of strength, not weakness.

If the patient has admitted to you that they have depression and started looking for therapy, help, by this question, you can grasp their status. Make it sound like you're asking about a normal illness because depression is a recognized medical condition, not a weakness or mistake. By asking this question, you also show that you support and care for the patient seeking help before it's too late. Let them know that therapy is a sign of strength, not weakness.

In addition, you can also let them know that you are seeing them better, more progressive to encourage them to continue therapy.

You're not alone. I may not understand exactly how you feel but I'm still with you.

According to Healthline data, depression is extremely common. From 2013 to 2016, it is possible that 8.1% of adult Americans must experience depression, and most of them do not seek help.

Depression can make people feel isolated from the world and they feel like they should not be involved with people around them. Let them know that they are not alone, that you can be with them without having to understand exactly what is going on. In case you have been depressed and gone, you can think about sharing your feelings with people who are being trusted and feel closer. However, do not turn it into a story of how strongly you overcome it because it can put pressure on current patients. Instead, focus on the sick and always remember that you need to listen

You are very important to me.

Picture 3 of Sayings can help people with depression have been assessed by a psychologist
Should tell them how important they are to you, that you need them in life.

Whether anyone will be happy to know that they are loved and needed. For people who are depressed, they often feel the opposite: not loved and no one needs them. That's why you should tell them how important they are to you, that you need them in life. This may be a great comfort for people who are experiencing depression. You can say a little more about what you love about them, or what they do that makes you feel happy and grateful.

That sounds difficult. How did you experience it?

The purpose of this statement is simply to let the depressed patient know that you recognize their difficulty. That the problems they currently have are not "garlic shell chicken feathers". Seriously recognizing the problems of depressed people, however small, can help them have a better view of their disease and accept treatment.

I'm sorry you are going through this. Remember I'm here when you need it.

Picture 4 of Sayings can help people with depression have been assessed by a psychologist
Your words will not completely heal them, but it may help.

There is a fact that there is nothing perfect to tell a depressed patient. Your words will not completely heal them, but it may help. There are many versions, but you should remember the important content is to make them feel like you are always there when they need it, sometimes just buying them an item, or catching a phone call in time in crisis - things that seem so small are essential and can save a life.

Besides, there are also sentences that you should not tell people with depression:

Always remember that you can give them advice in case you are asked, but don't give experience "measures" that you think will be useful, for example:

  1. Thinking positively, how beautiful life is, I don't understand why you have to be so sad. (This statement can make people with depression feel guilty, because their sadness is considered "unjust").
  2. Everything will be fine, promise. (No one can be sure that depression can be better overnight, such affirmations can disappoint patients after a while).
  3. I have practiced yoga / fasting / cutting sugar . and now I am completely cured! You should try. (The effective way for you may not be effective for others, so limit the advice of the school of experience. The most seasoned psychologists after the visit also takes a lot of effort to finalize. What the patient really needs).
  4. There are many people out there who are less fortunate than you. (This is probably the most damaging thing for people with depression, because it pushes them to think that their pain is not worth it, it's absurd and will make them feel guilty, u better).

Depression - What you need to know and simple solutions to prevent

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