Phillipines fishermen catch a giant

The social network showed a video filmed at Atimonan municipality, in Quezon province, Philippines. In that video, the fisherman Joseph Bautista, about 40 years old, returned from a surprise fishing trip with a radiant look.

Picture 1 of Phillipines fishermen catch a giant
Moon fish are the only species that can heat up the whole body like bloody creatures.

That day, Joseph Bautista was lucky enough to catch a 30kg "Lampris guttatus" fish , also known as "moon fish". He was holding the giant fish on his shoulder and proudly showing off to the villagers.

It is known that moonfish are the only species that can heat up their entire body like bloody creatures, such as mammals and birds.

"Lampris guttatus" is a large disc-shaped fish with an attractive shape and interesting color. They usually reach a maximum length of 2 meters and weigh up to 270kg.