Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

Pictures as a warning of the melting of Antarctica are at an alarming level with the area of ​​ice being rapidly declining.

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We all know that, as the Earth is getting hotter, the polarity will heat up twice as fast as the global average, along with that, the ice melts quickly, making the area of ​​the polar region shrinking. .

To help people see climate change, recently, American photographer Camille Seaman has published photos of his 10-year adventure in this icy land.

Camille Seaman arrived in Alaska, Svalbard, South Pole for the first time in a family trip and was impressed with the majestic scenery of the giant ice blocks here.

Because of so fascinated, Camille Seaman continued to return here in the following years and took tens of thousands of photos.

Seaman said: "At first, I was not aware of climate change or melting ice. I simply wanted to take photos with my family, but the photos accidentally became valuable evidence to show speed of melting ice now dizzy ".

Camille Seaman's photos have a very good angle and color scheme, which accentuates the beautiful space of the four white snow lands.

Picture 1 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

But more profoundly, the photos have described in detail the disappearing glaciers. Cracks and slides on ice appear more and more.

Picture 2 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

According to studies, strong thawing will take place within 200 - 1,000 years. The ice is melting 10 times faster than 600 years ago and the current speed is the fastest in 50 years.

Picture 3 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

According to data from the US National Data Center, the area of ​​Antarctic ice as of September 17 is only about 5 million km 2 .

Picture 4 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

According to experts, in the next two centuries or more, the West Antarctic ice will melt, causing sea level rise of about 1.2m.

Picture 5 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

The artist's artwork of the icebergs, creatures and polar scenes edited into a document called Melting Away talks about global warming over the past decade.

Picture 6 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

With photos of the coldest and most lonely places on Earth, Seaman sent us the message 'What you still listen to in the media, it's true without exaggeration. Let's work together to protect the Earth and our lives. '

Picture 7 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling

Picture 8 of Photos of melting ice are surprisingly beautiful but startling