Photos show that the Earth is so small

Our earth is so small compared to the vastness of the space outside the planet so you have to stretch your eyes to see.

The earth is so small in the universe

Picture 1 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
This incredible cosmic image was taken by the US Space and Aeronautics Agency's (NASA) Cassini spacecraft in 2013, showing that the Earth (tiny white arrow) in the solar system .

Picture 2 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
Green dots in the picture are the whole area of ​​North America when compared to the Big Red Stain on Jupiter.Jupiter's giant storm looks like it can completely swallow the entire continent.

Picture 3 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
The vast belt of Saturn is a beautiful sight in the universe, it is so big that it overwhelms the Earth.

Picture 4 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
Saturn's belt can contain just 6 Earths in it.

Picture 5 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
The highest volcano in the Solar System is Olympus Mons above Mars.If this volcano appears on Earth, it will occupy the entire area of ​​Arizona in the United States.

Picture 6 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
Jupiter's moon Europa is four times smaller than Earth, but scientists think it has more water than all Earth's oceans.

Picture 7 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
The sun contains 99.86% of the solar system and is large enough to contain 1.3 million Earths within it

Picture 8 of Photos show that the Earth is so small
Our Milky Way Milky Way, containing about 100,000 large and small galaxies in it and a mass of thousands of millions of suns is just a red dot compared to the total area of ​​the 'super-giant' Laniakea cluster.