Photosynthesis method helps agriculture develop

Newly discovered photosynthesis methods help wheat grow faster and adapt better to hot and dry climates.

A research team led by Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, Professor Robert Henry published an article printed on Scientific Reports, showing that: " Newly developed photosynthesis methods are available in rice grains. noodles and leaves are a very useful invention. "

Professor Henry said: "This discovery helps the crop biology advance a half century. Wheat is everywhere in the world and has more quantities than other crops. This invention will certainly make immense contributions to agriculture. It can help wheat grow well, quickly and yield more in climates where it was not previously developed. " .

Picture 1 of Photosynthesis method helps agriculture develop
Professor Robert Henry: "The newly discovered photosynthesis method in wheat and leaves is a very useful invention."

"This invention is based on a biological discovery in the 1960s at the old Colonial Sugar Refining Company in Brisbane," he said. Many said , "This invention can win a Nobel Prize."

At that time, Brisbane scientists also proved that: Sugarcane and other plants adapted to other tropical climates all developed in a different way of photosynthesis.

Sir Henry said: "The ancient photosynthetic pathway is called C3 , and plants with alternative chemical photosynthesis pathways are called C4. C4 plants take carbon faster and their growth rate is also higher. indeed, especially in tropical and subtropical climates ".

Our previous findings did not find the C4 photosynthetic pathway in wheat seeds. But today, like plants, photosynthesis wheat through leaves, and even we found it can also photosynthesize in seeds .

This is a finding that has not been found before, but the wheat grain is green when you peel it off and this is the end of the tree when you die.

Professor Henry also added: "Photosynthesis - the process by which plants take sunlight into energy to develop and produce oxygen - is the most important biological process on earth. Types of wheat including rice, which is photosynthesized by the old C3 road, is less likely to adapt to the hot and dry climate.

Picture 2 of Photosynthesis method helps agriculture develop
The photosynthesis pathway of wheat evolved 100 million years ago.

Almost the world's most concentrated population is in the tropics and this discovery is considered an important finding to help the food industry grow to meet future food needs.

The photosynthesis pathway of wheat evolved 100 million years ago, when the atmospheric carbon dioxide content increased by 10 times higher than it is today. One theory is that "Carbon dioxide begins to decline, so the grain of the wheat plant will evolve along the C4 path to capture sunlight into energy."