The spread of human and plant diseases by wind is likely to spread faster than we think has left concerns for not only human disease but also a fungus that threatens the yield of

Here are some information and pictures of food crops grown in popularity in Vietnam and around the world.

Newly discovered photosynthesis methods help wheat grow faster and adapt better to hot and dry climates.

An international team of scientists has for the first time successfully deciphered the wheat genome, paving the way for research into ways to improve plant varieties.

A group of US scientists on November 28 said they have made great strides in decoding the genome of wheat, an essential agricultural product, inherently famous for its complexity.

Scientists believe that hard wheat with a 'like' salt gene that tends to grow rapidly in saline soil will solve the problem of food crisis in the future.

Using conventional breeding techniques, scientists at the University of Adelaide and the Commonwealth of Science and the Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) have released a

Global warming can make wheat premature aging and reduce harvests worldwide, a study is published in Nature Climate Change.

Researchers at Haifa University, Israel, have discovered mutant genes in wild barley plants grown in the Judean desert, Israel, the discovery is a precursor to an international

A leading Taiwanese paper company (China) is expected to begin mass production of pulp made from rice and wheat stalks this year.