Planet super speed

Seven years ago, astronomers discovered the first fleeing star from the Milky Way at a rate of about 2.4 million km / h.

>>>New map of star systems

New research results conducted by Harvard-Smithsonian Center and Dartmouth University show that the same thing happens with the planet. And compared to the fleeing stars, these super-fast known planets are one of the Milky Way's fastest moving objects, according to Fox News quoted Harvard Center's astrophysicist Avi Loeb. -Smithsonian.

Picture 1 of Planet super speed

To draw that conclusion, the researchers modeled a binary star system that is hovering very close to a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy. Experts have learned that the gravitational pull of a black hole is so powerful that it can tear up a pair of stars, pushing a star far away while capturing its companion in its orbit. However, what happens if each of these stars has one or two planets orbiting around?

The American team found that the star being thrown away would bring its planet along turbulent roads, sometimes at speeds of up to 48 million km / h. They also carefully noted that this speed is only a few percent of the speed of light, theoretically about 1,072 million kilometers per hour. The other star, captured by the black hole, pushes the planets directly into the torn end and the rest of them disperse in the cold night of the interplanetary space.

'In addition to subatomic particles, I have never known an object that emits the Milky Way at such a fast rate ,' said Idan Research Leader Ginsburg of Dartmouth University. There is now a super-fast planet, because it is extremely faint and rare, but experts have also figured out how to find them by identifying a fleeing star that carries the planet along. the planet moves around its star, it will show the shadow like a small spot on the star's bright area.