'Pocket tips' of the steering wheel in foggy weather

The phenomenon of dense fog occurs a lot in the winter and hinders and is very dangerous for traffic participants. To ensure safety in the process of moving drivers, pay attention to the following:

Check the lights

Lights are a must-have condition, moreover, the lights of the car need to work properly if running in foggy weather. The light not only helps the driver expand the vision but it is also a sign for the driver of the vehicle and other pedestrians to observe his vehicle. Therefore, to ensure safety before driving, check the ability to operate all vehicle lights.

Do not turn on the headlights

Picture 1 of 'Pocket tips' of the steering wheel in foggy weather
The driver should not use remote projection headlights, but must switch to near projection.

When participating in traffic in this particular type of weather, the driver should not use remote projection headlights, but must switch to near projection. Because, turning on the remote projection mode will cause the light to bounce back to the driver's eyes. This makes the driver unable to observe the road. On the other hand, when you turn on the spotlight mode, the proximal beam helps the light stick to the roadway, creating a moving indicator.

For some vehicles with fog lights, use this light when traveling. However, these lamps should only be used when the weather is dense, if the dew is not too thick, it should be limited. Because tail lights can dazzle the rear drivers.

Go slow, keep distance

The type of foggy weather will limit the visibility of traffic participants, making it impossible for you to handle the situation encountered on the road. Therefore, to ensure safety for drivers, it is advisable to drive slowly, keeping distance from those cars.

Picture 2 of 'Pocket tips' of the steering wheel in foggy weather
Go slow and keep a safe distance from nearby vehicles.(Artwork. IT).

Notice the road - look at the paint line

One thing not to be missed when participating in traffic is the road. Especially, when the weather is foggy, the roads also become much more difficult to travel, especially the new and unfamiliar roads. In addition to slow driving, it is necessary to focus on the road conditions to avoid falling into bad conditions such as slippery, slippery roads.

Watch the white line in the middle of the road and follow it in your lane, you will be safer because you are always in the middle of the road and can handle the situation more easily.

Pay attention to moderate speeds so you can see the white paint clearly and see the vehicle ahead. If you feel you are going too fast, slow down. Safety first.

Observe carefully when crossing

It is best not to overtake when driving in dense fog. A view of only a few meters in front of you cannot make you safe when crossing, especially when traveling on a mountain road with a narrow lane.

If you decide to overtake, look carefully to see if the lights of the vehicle are in the opposite direction, choose the straight and long sections, the station is smooth and fast to pass, then quickly return to your lane.

Do not stop in the middle of the road

Always remember, when you only see 5-7m, other cars only have visibility of 5-7m. And they won't be able to handle it if you stop on the road. If you stop your car, stick to the edge, keeping in mind that you always keep your turn signal and taillights if you don't want to happen.

Also, note some of the following details:

  1. Do not rely on automatic lights - they may not turn on when there is fog.
  2. Beware of drivers not using headlights.
  3. Do not rely on Daytime Running Lights - they only illuminate the front of the vehicle.
  4. Only drive at the right speed under the conditions allowed.
  5. Depending on the light from the backlight of another vehicle, it may be dangerous for you
  6. Adjust the speed accordingly to keep the car at a distance giving you the best view
  7. Do not speed up to get past vehicles that are too close behind you
  8. Look at the mirror before decelerating
  9. Use your ears to listen. Turn on small music, lower the glasses, especially at intersections to hear the car approaching you in case you don't see anything.