Pollution kills millions of people every year

A report by the World Health Organization published on June 13 said that solving air pollution, water pollution and environmental problems will save 13 million lives each year.

Afghanistan and African countries like Angola, Burkina Faso and Mali are among the countries most affected by environmental problems.According to statistics in 23 countries, more than 10% of deaths are due to two factors: unsafe drinking water and indoor air pollution due to the use of solid fuels such as wood, cow dung for cooking.

Picture 1 of Pollution kills millions of people every year

(Photo: Afghanpeace)

The report also warns many developed countries to avoid health risks from the environment. For example, in 53 European countries, it is estimated that 1.8 million deaths can be prevented each year if people strive to create a healthier environment.

According to WHO, on a global scale, the number of children under 5 accounts for 74% of deaths from diarrhea and respiratory infections;In Europe, on average, 37 children die every day because of water-related diarrhea, most in the eastern and central regions.

WHO believes that using gas or electricity for cooking, improving ventilation or keeping children away from cigarette smoke can significantly reduce the number of deaths.