Portable mice using solar energy

A team of Dutch researchers has tested a wireless mouse powered by solar energy, without the need to add energy after a few days.

Today, wireless mice have become very popular in a computer world increasingly focused on developing mobile capabilities of the product. The main disadvantage of this type of mouse is that after a few days the user must replace the battery, or take several hours to charge the battery if the product rechargeable battery.

Although this is not one of the most annoying things that annoys users, it is enough reason for a Dutch team of researchers to come up with the idea of a wireless mouse. No need to recharge after a few days.

The idea is that the wireless mouse is powered by solar energy. This seems like a bad idea for people who are using traditional mice, including the most energy-efficient mice.

Picture 1 of Portable mice using solar energy

The world will need more 'clean' products like Sole Mio. Photo: Softpedia

Named as 'Sole Mio', this type of mouse uses solar energy to recharge the batteries when they stop working. According to experts in the design team, the mouse needs to store enough energy to be able to operate throughout the day.

For the purpose of experimenting and developing their inventions, the Dutch team has persuaded Jacqueline Cramer, Environment Minister of the country, to try out the product. The idea of the Sole Mio is part of the Syn-Energy program sponsored by the Dutch Science Foundation, in collaboration with universities in Twente and Utrecht.

Sole Mio mouse is designed to fit office workers sitting near the natural light source, recharging energy by placing it near the window.

According to the Department of Industrial Design at TU Delft University, the unit that helps to design this mouse, with Sole Mio being used extensively around the globe, we can save hundreds of millions of batteries a year.

The mouse used by Cramer was one of 15 tested. Designers hope to show that renewable energy products are a viable solution compared to conventional mice, while offering similar functionality. with a more eye-catching design.

Nguyen Nam