Prolonged fever after vaccination may be a symptom of SARS-CoV infection

This is the result of a recent study by scientists from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Picture 1 of Prolonged fever after vaccination may be a symptom of SARS-CoV infection
Covid-19 vaccination. (Photo: THX/TTXVN)

According to the research team, it is difficult to distinguish between Covid-19 symptoms and side effects after vaccination because many people do not test for Covid-19 before vaccination.

Therefore, the research team recommends that you seek medical attention if you have a fever that lasts for two days or more after vaccination, along with other symptoms of Covid-19 such as cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell.

Medical experts note that after vaccination, the body needs several weeks to develop strong enough immunity to fight the SAR-CoV-2 virus. Therefore, even after vaccination, it is still necessary to comply with community prevention measures as recommended by health authorities.