Signs of complications after vaccination should be noted

After vaccination, if the parents see that the child stimulates struggle, lethargy, poor feeding . need to take to the hospital immediately.

Vaccination means bringing a 'strange substance' into the body. Therefore, any vaccine, no matter how good, will have some unwanted side effects. Each individual reacts to the vaccine at different levels. Most have only mild reactions such as fever, pain at the injection site and self-healing after 24 hours.

Common reactions almost always occur in vaccines. However, a few bodies have a strong reaction such as high fever, seizures . even anaphylaxis and death. That is the reaction of each person to the vaccine, not the quality of the vaccine.

Dr. Tran Minh Dien, Deputy Director of the National Hospital of Pediatrics, recommends that parents should monitor children closely before, during and after the injection to timely identify abnormal signs in children.

Picture 1 of Signs of complications after vaccination should be noted
After injection, children should be monitored for 30 minutes at the injection site.

Specifically, before sending their children to vaccination, adults need to prepare all documents and vaccination certificates; monitor the health status of children. Inform health workers about their medical history, drug use, reactions after vaccination of the previous injection.

After the injection, it is necessary to monitor the child for 30 minutes at the injection site, inform the medical staff if there are abnormal signs such as crying, irritability, discomfort, vomiting, back pain, spread of red circles, rash.

After that, parents continue to monitor their children at home for 1-2 days, paying attention to the spirit, eating, sleeping, temperature, rash, manifesting at the site of swelling and redness. Do not breastfeed, eat when lying down, because your baby is tired while breastfeeding is very susceptible to choking milk.

According to Dr Dien, parents need to take their children to the hospital immediately after having the following signs:

  1. High fever above 39 degrees C, difficulty in lowering temperature or fever lasting more than 24 hours.
  2. Persistent crying, irritating, lethargic .
  3. Difficulty breathing, recessing the depression, abdomen, purple lips, shortness of breath.
  4. The skin is floating purple and cold.
  5. Vomiting many times, skipping meals, feeding poorly, and quitting.
  6. Convulsions.
  7. Rash.
  8. Children with other abnormal health manifestations make parents worried.

'When I see my child showing signs of irritation and lethargy, my parents need to go to the hospital immediately. When the baby's skin became purple, it was too late to go to the hospital, it was late, ' Dr. Dien said.

Besides, do not arbitrarily use medicine for babies at home, but take medicine as instructed by health workers. When a child has a fever, it is necessary to monitor the temperature closely, apply warm water, extend clothing .