Measures to prevent and treat mumps effectively

Mumps is a mild disease but it is common and has many dangerous complications, so we need to learn effective measures to prevent and treat mumps.

How to prevent and treat mumps

Measures to prevent mumps

  1. The first, most effective precaution is the vaccination against mumps including:
    1. Vaccination:Starting at 12 months of age or older can get mumps vaccination, leaving the body immune to mumps for a long time or possibly for life.
    2. Emergency injection: For people who have been in contact with a patient with mumps who has not been vaccinated, it is necessary to get an emergency mumps vaccine immediately to protect themselves from mumps infection. suffered. Note that mumps vaccination should be taken no more than 72 hours after contact with a person with mumps.

Picture 1 of Measures to prevent and treat mumps effectively
The most effective way to prevent mumps is vaccination.

  1. Maintain a regimen of living, resting, eating, exercising moderately, reasonably, balanced to have a supple health, a good resistance, against pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Enhance the cleanliness of the body, especially the respiratory tract, to avoid infections that cause mumps.
  3. Isolate patients with mumps until they are gone.
  4. Regularly carrying a protective card to protect the card muscles is not invaded by the bacteria that causes mumps.

Effective treatment for mumps

  1. Mumps is mainly treated at home , when the patient has signs of mumps, it should be taken to the hospital, medical facility for examination and accurate diagnosis to determine appropriate treatment At the same time, isolate patients 2 weeks from the time of detection.
  2. Give the patient a break in place, limiting movement as much as possible.
  3. Use methods to help patients reduce fever: Use a warm towel to wipe the patient's body to ensure hygiene and fever reduction, absolutely do not use cold water to wipe, then take a warm towel on both cheeks multiply to create a comfortable, comfortable feeling.Paracetamol can be given to reduce fever and relieve pain but need to consult a doctor before use.
  4. Should give the patient plenty of water to avoid dehydration, drink more orange juice and lemon juice to increase the body's resistance, but only drink warm water at a temperature of 30 degrees C, do not drink water too cold or too hot.
  5. Occasionally let patients rinse their mouth with physiological saline, dilute salt water, or mouthwash to prevent their mouth from drying out.
  6. Isolate patients with others until they are cured to avoid spread.
  7. Give the patient enough food but plenty of water, dilute, easy to eat, easy to swallow, easy to absorb such as porridge, soup, .
  8. Giving patients food with heat-relieving effects, detoxifying the body such as green beans, artichoke cotton, lemon, orange, grapefruit, grapes, bitter melon, and vegetable greens .

Picture 2 of Measures to prevent and treat mumps effectively
The process of taking care of patients with mumps patients should be careful so that the disease does not get worse.

  1. Using some effective mumps medicines include:
    1. Grilling nine gac seeds, taking a smooth spread, mixing with a sufficient amount of honey, applying it to a clean piece of paper, pasting it into the swollen area twice will bring a clear effect.
    2. Take latex sap, apply it to a piece of paper, apply it to the swelling, once a day, give the patient a complete rest to take effect.
    3. Blending fresh green beans and fresh gac leaves, crushing them into the swell twice a day has the effect of reducing pain and reducing swelling very effectively.

The above is an effective measure to prevent and treat mumps disease that we need to know to take the necessary initiative when we or our loved ones get it.

In the process of caring for patients with mumps, you need to be careful so that the disease does not aggravate , avoid other dangerous complications, can both use antipyretics, and use food that has effect on body heat. just put the medicine on the outside of the bump to provide a high therapeutic effect. At the same time, the vaccination against mumps is very necessary , you need to vaccinate yourself and your loved ones to never face this disease and worry about the dangerous complications of it