Rare bluefin tuna appears in the UK

A large bluefin tuna, a rare and abundant fish of many years, has been discovered in the UK.

Bluefin tuna is discovered by sea kayaks in Kingsand, in Cornwall county. It is about 2.1m long and weighs over 136kg.

Picture 1 of Rare bluefin tuna appears in the UK
Giant tuna was discovered in England.(Photo: BBC)

The fish was pulled into the shore shortly afterwards and taken to a research institute to check the health condition. Dr Matthew Witt of the University of Exeter said the fish will be used in educational activities, such as biology studies.

According to BBC, bluefin tuna is currently listed as endangered species. Global tuna numbers began to decline since the 1960s, when new fishing methods were introduced, leading to overfishing of the species.

The largest market of tuna consumption is in Japan, where people often use tuna meat to make sushi.

Bluefin tuna is found mainly in the Pacific and Indian oceans, but they can also live in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. They can live up to 40 years and dive at a depth of more than 1,200m. A fish has an average weight of about 150kg. Pacific bluefin tuna can weigh 450kg.