Three-tuna tuna causes turmoil in the salmon farm

The 300kg Pacific bluefin tuna was rescued by trout farmers off the Hebrides Islands when it appeared in the corral.

The group of farmers at Marine Harvest Farm on Colonsay Island, Scotland, said they were surprised to see bluefin tuna, which normally live in warmer waters in the Pacific Ocean, BBC reported today. They found the tuna three meters long after seeing the water tumble near the salmon farm.

Picture 1 of Three-tuna tuna causes turmoil in the salmon farm
Three-ton bluefin tuna is released to the sea.(Photo: BBC).

"We noticed a lot of disturbance around the south of the farm, as if dolphins were eating. We realized they were chasing a tuna. These species can move really fast. , at speeds of up to 80km / h, the tuberculosis shot through the shoals like a torpedo , " said Ali Geddes, farm manager.

"Fortunately, the tuna does not seem to be injured and our fish does not escape. The hole created by the tuna is more like an incision than a round hole. We have to call divers to fix it. in a few hours, " Geddes said.

Atlantic bluefin tuna is common in Scottish waters, but Pacific bluefin tuna is rare because they prefer to live in warm waters.

Farmers use a special net to catch the big tuna. This net is often used during the harvest season so that small fish swim through the net. A crane is mobilized to lift the fish into a large basket. He quickly swam away after returning to the sea.