This is why you should stop eating farmed salmon

Normally, we will choose foods with similar nutritional value but lower cost. That's why most people choose to buy salmon with a popular price in some grocery stores, according to Livingtraditionally.

For salmon - one of the nutrient-rich foods that mothers choose to cook weaning food for their children, it is best to buy natural fish instead of fish raised in farms.

Why is salmon farming not good?

In salmon farming techniques, people often use net cages to store fish under the sea. When salmon suffer from a number of diseases, farmers have to give them antibiotics to treat them. That's why farmed salmon often contains many antibiotics that are not good for health, especially for children.

Picture 1 of This is why you should stop eating farmed salmon
Farmed salmon have a paler color than wild fish.

Farmed fish contain less fat and less Omega-3 fatty acids due to smaller cages. In addition, according to some studies, farmed salmon contain significantly higher concentrations of PCBs, dioxins and carcinogens than wild caught salmon. Farmed fish contain higher concentrations of contaminants than wild fish because of the food they eat.
Many researchers believe that eating salmon feed leads to an increased risk of cancer due to high levels of PCB in the body.

Distinguish farmed salmon with natural salmon

The deep orange that the salmon catch naturally comes from red algae, crustaceans and the natural insects it consumes in the ocean. And farmed salmon are fed with genetically modified cereals, animal organs, so their flesh color is much more pale and pale than natural salmon. Many studies suggest that farmed salmon has a light orange color thanks to canthaxanthin and astaxanthin chemicals, which are harmful to health.

So, if you want to make salmon for a whole family meal, especially for young children, choose a salmon with a deep orange color, the fish fibers stick together. If you can't find such a fish, choose canned natural salmon.

Or if you still want to eat salmon and can't choose to buy wild fish, cut down the serving of this fish to 1 meal / month to ensure the health of the whole family.