New research suggests that exposure to air pollutants may harm the development of eggs, sperm and embryos, increasing the risk of infertility.
In addition to pollution from exercise equipment, gym ventilation systems can unintentionally draw in pollutants from outside sources, according to researchers.
According to a study published in the journal Lancet Planetary Health, air pollution can make antibiotic resistance worse.
Scientists think that pollution changes the tone of male birds and makes them sing better. This fact leads to the trend of bird-like pollution and harms to them.
It is no longer necessary to divide colored clothes and white clothes when washing housewives' laundry when scientists have invented a new dye that will never fade.
Despite its transparent appearance, thicker layers of ice will accumulate more pollutants in the surrounding environment.
Although it accounts for only 7% of the total area of global agricultural land, China uses more than one third of the world's nitrogen fertilizer.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels to a safer level could save millions of lives every year by the end of the century.
Each year more than two million people die worldwide as a direct result of human-induced air pollution, in which Southeast Asia is the most serious area.
Last March earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused a nuclear disaster that made Cesi (Cs) radioactive material quite high in Fukushima prefecture and surrounding areas.