'Rare ghost tree' appears in China

Quartz orchids, also known as iridescent, transparent "ghost plants" are found in Xi'an City, China.

Picture 1 of 'Rare ghost tree' appears in China
Scientists found rare quartz orchid species in Chu Chi District, Xi'an City, China, reported by China News.They are only about a centimeter tall, growing in clusters, all body iridescent, transparent.

Picture 2 of 'Rare ghost tree' appears in China
Quartz orchid, also known as "the grass of the soul" is called Monotropa uniflora, a flowering plant in the Thach nam family.In Chinese martial arts novels, they are described as fairy grasses that have either the use of a complete transformation or mysterious power.

Picture 3 of 'Rare ghost tree' appears in China
In Chinese legends, he is considered a flower of hell, symbolizing evil. Therefore, it has another name as "ghost tree".

Picture 4 of 'Rare ghost tree' appears in China
They live in clusters of murky, humid forests on the mountainside, 800–3,200m away from the sea.Each tree is 1-1.5cm tall.

Picture 5 of 'Rare ghost tree' appears in China
The head of the plant is drooping during the period from June to September. Quartz orchids have no chlorophyll, so they cannot photosynthesize.It lives parasites, sucking nutrients on other dead bodies.

Picture 6 of 'Rare ghost tree' appears in China
Quartz orchids are easy to decay, petals only need to touch lightly to fall.If disconnected, it will quickly wither and turn black.

Picture 7 of 'Rare ghost tree' appears in China
They are only adapted to the humid, humid, humid forest environment, very difficult to live in artificial environments.