Real damage about '5-second rule'

The food that falls on the ground less than 5 seconds does not have enough time for bacteria to stick to the soil so it can still be eaten safely.

Is the rule of 5 seconds real or not?

According to Guardian , the "5-second rule" is based on an unwarranted belief that bacteria will not attack food within 5 seconds, so you will not get sick if you eat things picked up before time. there.

The first person to decide to explore this "mystery" is an American high school student named Jillian Clarke. She and her friends tried to place cookies on the wet ground and dry bricks with E.coli bacteria. This bacterium causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. As a result, the bacteria get into the food before 5 seconds are finished and the food on the wet ground is attacked faster when on dry bricks.

Picture 1 of Real damage about '5-second rule'
"Rule of 5 seconds" has proven to be untrue.(Photo: Wordpress).

Paul Dawson, professor of food at Clemson University (USA) has for many years studied "5-second rule" . In the study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, he identified what is important is the cleanliness of the floor, not how long the food has been lying. Experimenting with bread and noodles, the professor found that the moist soil caused food to be contaminated with 70% of the bacteria while this ratio in the dry brick background was only 1%. A similar study from Aston University (UK) indicates that food will be attacked by bacteria as soon as it hits the floor surface, the number of bacteria will increase 10 times if the floor is moist.

Professor Dawson concluded that the "5-second rule" is not real . If the food falls into an area with bacteria, you will still be infected whether the number of bacteria is more or less. In particular, children and the elderly should not apply this rule because the immune system is unable to cope with the causative factor. In case you have to pick up the food, do it as quickly as possible and just pick up the things that fall to the carpet, not to be cheap if you are sure the floor is not clean.