Remote mosquito detector for 2km

Chinese researchers are developing a type of radar that can detect a mosquito's flapping sound at a maximum distance of 2 km .

This ultra-sensitive radar carries defense technology applications, which are developed by the Chinese government on missile defense systems.

According to the theory from the team, this radar will emit pulses of electromagnetic waves at multiple frequencies. When radar waves hit mosquitoes, it will bounce back carrying information such as mosquito subspecies, its sex, flight speed and flight direction, and even know if this mosquito wants to suck blood.

Picture 1 of Remote mosquito detector for 2km
Detecting mosquitoes from far away will help people take timely defense measures before pathogens - (Photo: Reuters).

According to the South China Morning Post, a sample of the device is being tested at a defense laboratory, under the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).

"Identifying and tracking objects, the size of a mosquito's goal is no longer a science fiction. We are actually pretty close to bringing this technology out of the lab and using it. to save people, "said an anonymous researcher.

With the carrying of dangerous pathogens, mosquitoes are catastrophic insects that take people's lives more than all the wars combined.

Figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) calculate each year, mosquito bites kill more than 1 million people. The insect also plays a role in infecting a wide range of disease-causing organisms like malaria to newer viruses like Zika.

Controlling mosquitoes is a huge challenge, because they can approach humans and then fly away without leaving a trace. Even when noticing the buzzing of mosquitoes, it must be a very close distance to the human ear.

The group of mosquito detectors was funded with 82 million yuan (nearly 13 million dollars) from the central government to complete this mosquito-proof radar.

After decades of development, modern military radars today can capture the noises of small objects at an impressive distance. For example, the US Marine Defense Agency's marine radar could detect an object as big as a baseball from a range of up to 4,000 km.

Similar China also developed such advanced systems, in order to detect stealth missiles and aircraft. However, the difference is that scientists are in charge of military projects that believe this technology could also be used to fight mosquitoes, and to convince the government to fund their research.