Research on deodorizing birds in New Zealand

A rather interesting and meaningful idea has been cooked by scientists in New Zealand and hoped for successful research, to produce a substance that can minimize unpleasant " scents " in birds. " bad smell " in this country, to help them fight predators.

Picture 1 of Research on deodorizing birds in New Zealand
Kiwi Bird. (Photo

New Zealand is a country with a rich fauna, in which the number of birds is plentiful, but they are at risk of declining in numbers when they become prey to animals like cats and ferrets.

Referring to New Zealand, it is impossible not to mention the famous Kiwi bird - the bird smells like scented mushroom . urine, or flyless night parrot that smells like a " molded violin. "These two birds are at risk of serious threat to numbers when they are easily sniffed and discovered by predators.

Researcher Jim Briskie of the University of Canterbury said that in New Zealand, there are many species of birds endure their own characteristic odor - which makes them the most vulnerable target of predators.

These birds give off a very strong " scent " when they ooze and change hair.

Mr. Briskie has been funded New Zealand's $ 600,000 ($ 440,000) from the Marsden Scientific Research Foundation to conduct a three-year study of the smell of birds as well as finding a way to " deodorize " them, Help them avoid enemies to avoid the risk of decline in numbers.