Ringworm: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Ringworm is one of the most common dermatological diseases caused by many different types of fungi, different fungi causing damage in different areas of the body.

Things to know about ringworm

  1. Causes of ringworm
  2. Manifest symptoms of ringworm
    1. Skin lesions
    2. Ringworm in the thigh
    3. Ringworm in the foot
    4. Ringworm in the scalp
    5. Ringworm is multi-colored
  3. How to treat ringworm
    1. Local treatment
    2. Systemic treatment
    3. Symptomatic treatment:
  4. Preventing and preventing recurrence of ringworm fungus

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection. The disease is easily spread after contact with the skin of an infected person or by sharing certain personal items.

The disease usually appears in private areas, large interstitial folds such as the double groin, butt ridges, around the waist .

Causes of ringworm

The cause of fungal skin diseases is that some small fungi are only visible under a microscope, collectively known as dermatophytes. Common fungi are malassezia furfur, trichophyton, microsporum and epidermophyton. The fungus that causes tinea is usually small, visible only under a microscope, and is capable of growing in warm and humid environments. People with oily skin or hormonal changes in the body that weaken the immune system are also more likely to develop tinea.

Picture 1 of Ringworm: Causes, symptoms and treatment
The most common symptom is skin itching especially when sweating.

Manifest symptoms of ringworm

The most common symptom is an itchy skin especially when sweating, sometimes accompanied by flaking, flaking on the skin surface.

Skin lesions

  1. The lesions are initially in the form of small patches such as a coin or oval shape, the clear boundary then spreads together to form large plaques with slight floating on the skin surface.
  2. Color: Red or brown, often causing desquamation with sharp, itchy edges at the site of injury. Some cases can be accompanied by small blisters or yellow pustules caused by superinfection by scratching, scratching and scratching the skin, enabling bacteria to invade.

Ringworm is likely to spread to others through contact or sharing with an infected person during periods of redness and scaling of lesions.

Ringworm usually develops on the legs or trunk with various morphological and location lesions:

Ringworm in the thigh

  1. Position: common on inner side of thighs.
  2. Symptoms: Manifestation of skin fungus accompanied by soreness, severe prevention, red rash, fungal patches are likely to spread to the folds of the body.
    The skin color of the affected area is different from that of healthy skin, which may have a tumor.

Ringworm in the foot

  1. Location: appears between the toes and instep.
  2. Symptoms: Scaly lesions, many dead skin, burning sensation in the affected area, slight swelling, itching, especially in the area of ​​the toes, cracking, odor and discomfort.

Ringworm in the scalp

  1. Location: Can be anywhere on the scalp.
  2. Manifestations: The initial symptom is swelling and redness then hair loss. In some cases, pustules may appear in the form of honeycomb, blistering skin lesions, small and even pus-sized pus, swollen skin necrotic pain accompanied by watery discharge at the skin. hurt.
  3. Complications: May cause fever, lymphadenitis.

Ringworm is multi-colored

  1. Position: Common in upper arms, back, chest and neck, sometimes present on face.
  2. Manifestations: Early multi-pigmented dermatitis has no clinical signs. Then appears on the skin small spots with different sizes and colors such as white pink or dark brown, pink brown.
  3. Scaly lesions, obvious edging with pruritus.

How to treat ringworm

Ringworm is a benign lesion of the skin, but it is prone to recurrence, so proper treatment is required.

Local treatment

  1. Topical use: ASA, BSI, Benzosali ointment, Nizoral cream .
  2. Topical creams that soothe the skin, reduce itching, increase the ability to repair skin lesions.

Systemic treatment

  1. Treating the cause: Using Itraconazole antifungal drugs, nizoral .

Symptomatic treatment:

  1. Itching: Give antihistamines.
  2. If pus or superinfection is present, use an antibiotic combination.

Preventing and preventing recurrence of ringworm fungus

  1. Treat exactly as directed by the treating doctor.
  2. Do not share clothes with an infected person.
  3. Do not wear tight clothing or wet clothing.
  4. Do not over use shower gels and soaps, choose the type that suits your skin best.
  5. Attention should be paid to treatment and hygiene of zoonotic sources such as cats, dogs and horses.
  6. Complete nutrition especially B vitamins.
  7. Have a diet, reasonable living activities.
  8. Thorough treatment of autoimmune diseases or diseases related to the body's resistance.

Ringworm and tinea versicolor are both benign skin diseases that do not affect health, are not life-threatening, but cause discomfort in life for patients. If you notice any abnormalities in your skin, you should go to a reliable medical facility for timely examination and treatment.