Rising sea level ink threatens to submerge many cities

According to scientists from the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA), many cities may be engulfed by seawater in the next 100-200 years.

Many cities may be submerged by rising sea levels

NASA said, the latest satellite data indicates that the sea ​​level will rise by at least one meter within the next 100-200 years. The ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are melting fast, the ocean warms and expands at a faster rate than before.

Picture 1 of Rising sea level ink threatens to submerge many cities
The cause of sea level rise is due to melting ice.(Photo: Liam Quinn / Flickr.)

Professor Michael Freilich, director of NASA's Earth Sciences division, said that rising sea levels could completely submerge some island nations in the Pacific region . The low-lying states of the US such as Florida and some of the world's largest cities like Tokyo are in danger of disappearing.

NASA's predictions are based on results from a series of altitudes measuring sea level from the air. NASA and the CNES French Aviation Agency began launching sea level satellites in 1992.

" Very sensitive measuring devices. If mounted on a civil plane at 1,200 m altitude, they can detect the edge of a coin lying on the ground ," Professor Freilich said.

According to NASA, since 1992, oceans in the world have risen an average of 7.6 cm, some areas have a 23 cm rise. The cause of this phenomenon is due to ice melt . Greenland ice sheets melt with a volume of 303 billion tons per year over the past decade. Similarly, Antarctica also lost an average of 118 billion tons of ice per year.