Robot capsules detect bowel cancer instead of endoscopy

Tiny 21mm-diameter, 39mm-long robots can take pictures inside the colon without endoscopic pain.

Published by scientists from London (UK) on June 20, Sonopill capsules contain ultra-small ultrasonic probes, LEDs, cameras and magnets. A very small flexible cable is attached to the capsule into the body through the rectum and sends the ultrasound image back to the computer in the laboratory. According to experts, microscopic ultrasound can record images with high resolution and recognize small lesions on the surface layers of the intestine, providing valuable information about the early signs of the disease.

Picture 1 of Robot capsules detect bowel cancer instead of endoscopy
Capsules are controlled inside the colon to take ultrasound pictures and identify some types of cell changes related to cancer.(Photo: News Nation).

Capsules operate based on the principle that magnets can attract and repel each other. The magnet on the robot arm will interact with a magnet inside the capsule, gently moving it through the colon. In addition, the magnetic forces used are harmless and can pass through body tissue without physical connection between the robot arm and the capsule. In particular, the artificial intelligence system ensures smooth capsules can precisely position themselves into the intestinal wall to obtain the best quality ultrasound images.

"Capsules are the culmination of a decade-long study that is likely to change the way of gastrointestinal examination," said Professor Pietro Valdastri, from the University of Leeds (UK).

The control robot can locate the capsule at any time and adjust the external control magnet to perform diagnostic imaging while maintaining high quality ultrasonic signals.

Currently, there are more than 8 million deaths each year from gastrointestinal diseases worldwide, especially bowel cancer. The higher the need for endoscopy, the more precise, economical and effective treatment is needed for patients.

"We hope in the near future, capsules will be put into common use, effectively diagnose serious diseases at an early stage and monitor the digestive system of everyone" , Sandy expert Burran, professor at Glasgow University in England said.

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