Fish oil benefits for bowel cancer patients

According to a recent test by researchers in Australia, fish oil may be good for patients with metastatic bowel cancer. Patients with bowel cancer who take fish oil have Omega 3 acids that are more responsive to chemotherapeutic cancer treatments.

Picture 1 of Fish oil benefits for bowel cancer patients Fish and fish oil capsules (Artwork from foreign websites) A team of researchers in Concord Hospital (Sydney, Australia) has just completed a trial of fish oil supplements for bowel cancer patients.

According to Professor Stephen Clarke, cancer creates inflammatory substances in some patients. These inflammatory substances cause problems in the ability to withstand chemotherapy (chemotherapy treatment with chemotherapy) and also cause malnutrition.

However, GS. Clarke said anti-inflammatory values ​​and nutritional value of fish oil increase the chance of success of chemotherapy. Tests show that these patients can maintain weight, doctors can reduce some inflammatory substances and patients can tolerate chemotherapy quite well.

GS. Clarke said the finding could apply to patients with some cancers. However, his team will conduct further tests. This is a fairly new field so a series of tests should be conducted.

Minh Thuong