Robot explores the depths of the sea beyond the Earth

A team of scientists has arrived in the Zacaton abyss to test the real conditions of a completely autonomous robot.

The DEPTHX robot, developed with the help of NASA, is designed to explore extreme regions and environments that look for traces of extraterrestrial life.

Zacaton is considered to be the deepest abyss in the world, with a strange hot springs system very much like Europa, one of the four Jupiter's moons. The DEPTHX robot will have a primary purpose of mapping deep abyss of the abyss, measuring the geochemical characteristics of water, searching for life on the seafloor, and collecting specimens.

If the above test yields results, the robot will be used to search for life in cracks in the frozen surface of the Europa satellite.

Picture 1 of Robot explores the depths of the sea beyond the Earth
(Photo: Techno-Science)

Picture 2 of Robot explores the depths of the sea beyond the Earth
(Photo: Techno-Science)