Robot swimming under the water, flying in the air

Penguins swim swiftly with extraordinary power, and even the viewer feels it is gliding in the water. Penguins is a robot made by Festo, Germany's leading company in auto engineering.

Picture 1 of Robot swimming under the water, flying in the air

Picture 2 of Robot swimming under the water, flying in the air

Aqua Penguins. Picture: Festo

Aqua Penguins are made of glass fiber with hydrodynamic structure so it is very flexible, flexible and easy to turn. The wings of this robot are specially designed, allowing it to move in a narrow space. The wings are made of a steel frame, wrapped in silicone and plastic to allow the swimmer to swivel spectacularly, swimming up or down very easily. Each Aqua Penguins robot carries a 3D sona that helps them communicate information, locate and avoid collisions. They work thanks to an electric motor that provides energy.

Picture 3 of Robot swimming under the water, flying in the air

Air Penguins . Picture: Festo

Festo also plans to produce Air Penguins - robots flying in the air. This robot is filled with helium gas, while airborne will be controlled as well as positioned by ultrasound. Like underwater robots, Air Penguins are equipped with Xbee wireless connectivity to transmit signals to each other, pinpointing locations for team coordination and avoiding collisions.