Robot world in Korea

A world where people and robots live together under one roof is no longer a fiction when in some advanced countries today, many families have used robots to do household chores. The 2006 Robot World Exhibition, which takes place from October 18-22 in Seoul, gives viewers a closer look at the integration of smart machines into the daily life of humanity in the future. Please introduce some Korean-made robot models that promise to become our "life assistant" .

Picture 1 of Robot world in Korea

IRobi Robot (Photo: weblogs)

First is the ' butler ' robot iRobi Q. In addition to helping with chores in the family, iRobi Q can help you go online to download the necessary information for daily activities such as weather forecasts and news. news or recipe for food processing. According to producer Yujin Robotics, robots equipped with this camera can take care of and tutor children with large integrated screens in front. A special feature is that it can help homeowners relax with karaoke functions. IRobi eyes and mouth can show many different moods. When away, you can still control the robot remotely via the Internet. This product cost about 1,000 USD is very convenient to use because it can find the charger to recharge itself.

Compared to cleaning robots already on the market, Ottoro is ' smarter ' with the ability to sense the structure and location of the apartment thanks to 30 sensors and two high-performance cameras. Its suction unit is 3 times more powerful than the suction of conventional vacuum cleaners and can spin 3600 so it can clean every corner of the house. After every 50 minutes of work, the robot can charge itself. Hanool Robotics said that Ottoro is the smartest vacuum cleaner robot in the world today with exclusive manufacturing technology.

Also a product of Hanool Robotics, Hanuri ESSR is designed to be a ' teaching assistant ' for primary teachers. In addition to providing photos and video demonstrations related to the lesson, Hanuri can clean the classroom and inform students of new school announcements. For the next 3 years, Hanuri will accompany Korean teachers at class hours.

In another two years, when going to restaurants in Korea, diners will not be surprised to see robots in the role of waiters. Yujin Robotics' Galaxy machine can guide guests to the reserved table and introduce an electronic menu available on them. Thanks to the ultrasonic sensor and pulse arrestor system, Galaxy ' waiter ' knows how to avoid obstacles so it will not spill food and water on customers.

DUYÊN MAI (According to Chosun, KoreaHerald, I4U)

' Robot World 2006 ' is the first international exhibition of robots in Korea organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. With 410 exhibitors of 80 domestic and foreign companies, the exhibition introduces robots that serve a variety of purposes and industries, including manufacturing, service, military and education. It is known that most robots displayed at the exhibition will soon be developed commercially.

Although it is late, South Korea is gradually narrowing the gap with the top names in robotics such as Japan, the US and the European Union.This East Asian country aims to rank third in robot technology in the world by 2010.