Russia 'accidentally revealed' future weapons design

The Kamov design office seems to have "revealed" the super-fast model details produced for the Russian military in the future.

Russian social networks quickly spread images of a new generation helicopter developed by Kamov Design Bureau, published in Kamov's internal presentation, according to Sputnik, on October 29.

Picture 1 of Russia 'accidentally revealed' future weapons design
New helicopter model announced during Kamov's internal presentation.(SCREENING SCREENING DEFENSE BLOG).

The image shows the future helicopters possessing fixed delta wings, coaxial and coaxial propeller propeller systems, similar to the Sikorsky S-97 Raider helicopters and Bell's Bell V-280 America.

The new helicopter is also integrated with the ability to suppress infrared signal, invisibility technology with weapons compartment arranged in the body to enhance the level of invisibility.

According to Kamov's Director of Design Sergei Mikheyev, the new engine technologies help future helicopters use fuel efficiently, have a greater range and can fly at speeds of 700 km / h, nearly three times as much. The speed of conventional helicopters today.

Picture 2 of Russia 'accidentally revealed' future weapons design
Design Kamov's new helicopter model.(PHOTO SCREENING DEFENSE BLOG).

In 2015, the image of the naval System Status 6, which includes two of the country's most modern nuclear submarines, suddenly leaked when media reported on a meeting of President Vladimir Putin with generals. with the defense industry in Sochi.