Russian military satellites are mysteriously missing

The Russian Space Agency said yesterday that a foreign power has made its military satellite disappear earlier this month.

Picture 1 of Russian military satellites are mysteriously missing
Geo-IK-2 satellite.(Photo:

AFP said, Russia launched Geo-IK-2 satellite on January 1. The main task of this satellite is to map the three-dimensional Earth and determine the exact location of targets on the ground as required by the military. World media identified the launch of Geo-IK-2 as part of an effort to catch up with US and NATO's ability to locate missiles in the air.

But in early February, the satellite suddenly disappeared on the trajectory it was flying. It then reappears on a new trajectory. The trajectory change made it impossible to perform the initial tasks.

The military and the Russian Space Agency set up a joint committee to investigate the incident, but they have not made any official conclusions. An unnamed official from the Russian Space Agency told the Interfax news agency that preliminary evidence showed that the Geo-IK-2 left the old trajectory after one of its boosters changed direction.

" It is very likely that the satellite's automatic control system has been affected by electrical impulses in the universe and that caused ships to change their orbit, " the official said yesterday.

The official suspected, a country intentionally affected Geo-IK-2 with electromagnetic pulses , but did not name it. He acknowledged that artificial satellites could also leave funds for other reasons, such as software bugs. According to him, electromagnetic pulses can be launched from the ground, sea, air or an object in the universe.